Three people were arrested late on Monday for allegedly shooting Ballia-based TV journalist Ratan Singh, 45, in Phephna area of the district earlier in the day. Journalists from entire district sat on a protest at national highway and raised slogans against the police after the killing.
Three people were arrested late on Monday for allegedly shooting Ballia-based TV journalist Ratan Singh, 45, in Phephna area of the district earlier in the day. Journalists from entire district sat on a protest at national highway and raised slogans against the police after the killing. from Times of India
Three people were arrested late on Monday for allegedly shooting Ballia-based TV journalist Ratan Singh, 45, in Phephna area of the district earlier in the day. Journalists from entire district sat on a protest at national highway and raised slogans against the police after the killing. from Times of India
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