The crisis in Congress escalated on Thursday with former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh saying he will quit Congress soon, and senior leader P Chidambaram joining veteran partymen Ghulam Nabi Azad, B S Hooda and Anand Sharma to criticise protests by a group of workers outside ‘G23’ leader and former Union minister Kapil Sibal’s house.
The crisis in Congress escalated on Thursday with former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh saying he will quit Congress soon, and senior leader P Chidambaram joining veteran partymen Ghulam Nabi Azad, B S Hooda and Anand Sharma to criticise protests by a group of workers outside ‘G23’ leader and former Union minister Kapil Sibal’s house. from Times of India
The crisis in Congress escalated on Thursday with former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh saying he will quit Congress soon, and senior leader P Chidambaram joining veteran partymen Ghulam Nabi Azad, B S Hooda and Anand Sharma to criticise protests by a group of workers outside ‘G23’ leader and former Union minister Kapil Sibal’s house. from Times of India
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