When PM Modi attended a virtual ceremony on Thursday to lay the foundation stone of four medical colleges in Rajasthan, CM Ashok Gehlot put forward a list of development works he wanted for the state. “This shows he trusts me, despite our different political ideologies,” said Modi, calling Gehlot a “good friend”.
When PM Modi attended a virtual ceremony on Thursday to lay the foundation stone of four medical colleges in Rajasthan, CM Ashok Gehlot put forward a list of development works he wanted for the state. “This shows he trusts me, despite our different political ideologies,” said Modi, calling Gehlot a “good friend”. from Times of India https://ift.tt/2Wybja8
When PM Modi attended a virtual ceremony on Thursday to lay the foundation stone of four medical colleges in Rajasthan, CM Ashok Gehlot put forward a list of development works he wanted for the state. “This shows he trusts me, despite our different political ideologies,” said Modi, calling Gehlot a “good friend”. from Times of India https://ift.tt/2Wybja8
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