The Bombay high court has upheld the life term handed to three men for a 2010 gang rape of a young woman who “innocently took a lift from a man in a car’’ in Pune. However, it frowned on the trial court judge and public prosecutor for allowing the defence to put unnecessary questions to her involving graphic details during cross-examination.
The Bombay high court has upheld the life term handed to three men for a 2010 gang rape of a young woman who “innocently took a lift from a man in a car’’ in Pune. However, it frowned on the trial court judge and public prosecutor for allowing the defence to put unnecessary questions to her involving graphic details during cross-examination. from Times of India
The Bombay high court has upheld the life term handed to three men for a 2010 gang rape of a young woman who “innocently took a lift from a man in a car’’ in Pune. However, it frowned on the trial court judge and public prosecutor for allowing the defence to put unnecessary questions to her involving graphic details during cross-examination. from Times of India
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