An orange alert has been issued in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh ahead of cyclone 'Gulab', which is approaching the coastal states from the Bay of Bengal and is expected to make landfall on Sunday evening, according to the India Meteorological Department. Parts of Odisha are witnessing heavy rain. The cyclone is likely to cross south Odisha and north Andhra Pradesh coasts between Kalingapatnam & Gopalpur around Sunday midnight. Stay with TOI for all the latest updates:
An orange alert has been issued in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh ahead of cyclone 'Gulab', which is approaching the coastal states from the Bay of Bengal and is expected to make landfall on Sunday evening, according to the India Meteorological Department. Parts of Odisha are witnessing heavy rain. The cyclone is likely to cross south Odisha and north Andhra Pradesh coasts between Kalingapatnam & Gopalpur around Sunday midnight. Stay with TOI for all the latest updates: from Times of India
An orange alert has been issued in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh ahead of cyclone 'Gulab', which is approaching the coastal states from the Bay of Bengal and is expected to make landfall on Sunday evening, according to the India Meteorological Department. Parts of Odisha are witnessing heavy rain. The cyclone is likely to cross south Odisha and north Andhra Pradesh coasts between Kalingapatnam & Gopalpur around Sunday midnight. Stay with TOI for all the latest updates: from Times of India
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