The mortal remains of Mahant Narendra Giri were placed in a 'samadhi' in the premises of the Baghambari Mutt on Wednesday. The Uttar Pradesh government has recommended a CBI probe in seer's mysterious death. His disciple Anand Giri detained from Haridwar has been sent on 14-day judicial custody. The influential Hindu seer was found dead on Monday at Baghambari Math in Prayagraj. He was the president of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, the largest organisation of sadhus in India.
The mortal remains of Mahant Narendra Giri were placed in a 'samadhi' in the premises of the Baghambari Mutt on Wednesday. The Uttar Pradesh government has recommended a CBI probe in seer's mysterious death. His disciple Anand Giri detained from Haridwar has been sent on 14-day judicial custody. The influential Hindu seer was found dead on Monday at Baghambari Math in Prayagraj. He was the president of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, the largest organisation of sadhus in India. from Times of India
The mortal remains of Mahant Narendra Giri were placed in a 'samadhi' in the premises of the Baghambari Mutt on Wednesday. The Uttar Pradesh government has recommended a CBI probe in seer's mysterious death. His disciple Anand Giri detained from Haridwar has been sent on 14-day judicial custody. The influential Hindu seer was found dead on Monday at Baghambari Math in Prayagraj. He was the president of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, the largest organisation of sadhus in India. from Times of India
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