In a brazen strike inside a courtroom in the Rohini district court complex on Friday afternoon, gangster Jitender Gogi was gunned down by two shooters alleged hired by his rival. The two assailants, dressed as lawyers, were killed on the spot in a calibrated response by men of Delhi Police’s special cell, who were accompanying Gogi.
In a brazen strike inside a courtroom in the Rohini district court complex on Friday afternoon, gangster Jitender Gogi was gunned down by two shooters alleged hired by his rival. The two assailants, dressed as lawyers, were killed on the spot in a calibrated response by men of Delhi Police’s special cell, who were accompanying Gogi. from Times of India
In a brazen strike inside a courtroom in the Rohini district court complex on Friday afternoon, gangster Jitender Gogi was gunned down by two shooters alleged hired by his rival. The two assailants, dressed as lawyers, were killed on the spot in a calibrated response by men of Delhi Police’s special cell, who were accompanying Gogi. from Times of India
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