Two civilians were killed and nine policemen injured at Dholpur in Assam’s Darrang district on Thursday as an eviction drive to reclaim government land from allegedly illegal settlers triggered mob fury and instant reprisal, including firing from all sides at a man charging at the cops with a stick before raining batons on him as he lay on the ground.
Two civilians were killed and nine policemen injured at Dholpur in Assam’s Darrang district on Thursday as an eviction drive to reclaim government land from allegedly illegal settlers triggered mob fury and instant reprisal, including firing from all sides at a man charging at the cops with a stick before raining batons on him as he lay on the ground. from Times of India
Two civilians were killed and nine policemen injured at Dholpur in Assam’s Darrang district on Thursday as an eviction drive to reclaim government land from allegedly illegal settlers triggered mob fury and instant reprisal, including firing from all sides at a man charging at the cops with a stick before raining batons on him as he lay on the ground. from Times of India
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