Remove "Hindutvawadis" from power and "bring the rule of Hindus", Congress MP Rahul Gandhi said at a party rally in Jaipur on Sunday, stressing that the two are separate sets-a supporter of Hindutva chooses "satta-graha" to grab authority, while the Hindu searches for truth through satyagraha.
Remove "Hindutvawadis" from power and "bring the rule of Hindus", Congress MP Rahul Gandhi said at a party rally in Jaipur on Sunday, stressing that the two are separate sets-a supporter of Hindutva chooses "satta-graha" to grab authority, while the Hindu searches for truth through satyagraha. from Times of India
Remove "Hindutvawadis" from power and "bring the rule of Hindus", Congress MP Rahul Gandhi said at a party rally in Jaipur on Sunday, stressing that the two are separate sets-a supporter of Hindutva chooses "satta-graha" to grab authority, while the Hindu searches for truth through satyagraha. from Times of India
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