The Supreme Court on Tuesday saw a rush of appeals challenging the Karnataka high court’s ruling that hijab is not an essential religious practice and that the government order effectively banning the headgear in educational institutions is valid. The original petitioner before the Karnataka HC, student Aishat Shifa, is expected to file her appeal against the high court judgment only by Wednesday.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday saw a rush of appeals challenging the Karnataka high court’s ruling that hijab is not an essential religious practice and that the government order effectively banning the headgear in educational institutions is valid. The original petitioner before the Karnataka HC, student Aishat Shifa, is expected to file her appeal against the high court judgment only by Wednesday. from Times of India
The Supreme Court on Tuesday saw a rush of appeals challenging the Karnataka high court’s ruling that hijab is not an essential religious practice and that the government order effectively banning the headgear in educational institutions is valid. The original petitioner before the Karnataka HC, student Aishat Shifa, is expected to file her appeal against the high court judgment only by Wednesday. from Times of India
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