Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah on Friday called 'The Kashmir Files' a concocted story and a bundle of lies. "The fact is that many lies have been projected in the film. It wasn't the NC government [in J&K] in 1990, as projected in the so-called film, but the governor's rule under the BJP-backed VP Singh regime," he said.
Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah on Friday called 'The Kashmir Files' a concocted story and a bundle of lies. "The fact is that many lies have been projected in the film. It wasn't the NC government [in J&K] in 1990, as projected in the so-called film, but the governor's rule under the BJP-backed VP Singh regime," he said. from Times of India
Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah on Friday called 'The Kashmir Files' a concocted story and a bundle of lies. "The fact is that many lies have been projected in the film. It wasn't the NC government [in J&K] in 1990, as projected in the so-called film, but the governor's rule under the BJP-backed VP Singh regime," he said. from Times of India
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