IPL side Rajasthan Royals on Friday sacked its social media team after captain Sanju Samson expressed displeasure on a post depicting him in a way he did not like. In a now-deleted post, the Royals' Twitter handle had an edited picture of Samson sitting in the team bus with sunglasses and a towel wrapped on his head. It had a caption "Kya khoob lagte ho" with a laughing emoji. But, the post did not go down well with Samson, who took to Twitter to express his disappointment.
IPL side Rajasthan Royals on Friday sacked its social media team after captain Sanju Samson expressed displeasure on a post depicting him in a way he did not like. In a now-deleted post, the Royals' Twitter handle had an edited picture of Samson sitting in the team bus with sunglasses and a towel wrapped on his head. It had a caption "Kya khoob lagte ho" with a laughing emoji. But, the post did not go down well with Samson, who took to Twitter to express his disappointment. from Times of India https://ift.tt/O6qdnVw
IPL side Rajasthan Royals on Friday sacked its social media team after captain Sanju Samson expressed displeasure on a post depicting him in a way he did not like. In a now-deleted post, the Royals' Twitter handle had an edited picture of Samson sitting in the team bus with sunglasses and a towel wrapped on his head. It had a caption "Kya khoob lagte ho" with a laughing emoji. But, the post did not go down well with Samson, who took to Twitter to express his disappointment. from Times of India https://ift.tt/O6qdnVw
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