India may finally get its first tribal President, with BJP naming Droupadi Murmu (64), a Santhal from Odisha, as its candidate for the top constitutional office. BJP chief JP Nadda declared Murmu’s candidature after a meeting of the party’s parliamentary board approved what is widely considered to be Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s choice for Rashtrapati Bhavan.
India may finally get its first tribal President, with BJP naming Droupadi Murmu (64), a Santhal from Odisha, as its candidate for the top constitutional office. BJP chief JP Nadda declared Murmu’s candidature after a meeting of the party’s parliamentary board approved what is widely considered to be Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s choice for Rashtrapati Bhavan. from Times of India
India may finally get its first tribal President, with BJP naming Droupadi Murmu (64), a Santhal from Odisha, as its candidate for the top constitutional office. BJP chief JP Nadda declared Murmu’s candidature after a meeting of the party’s parliamentary board approved what is widely considered to be Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s choice for Rashtrapati Bhavan. from Times of India
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