Congress chief Sonia Gandhi Wednesday wrote to the Enforcement Directorate urging that her appearance for questioning in National Herald case be put off for a few weeks till she recovers from her recent Covid infection. "She has been strictly advised rest at home following her hospitalisation on account of Covid and lung infection," AICC general secretary Jairam Ramesh tweeted.
Congress chief Sonia Gandhi Wednesday wrote to the Enforcement Directorate urging that her appearance for questioning in National Herald case be put off for a few weeks till she recovers from her recent Covid infection. "She has been strictly advised rest at home following her hospitalisation on account of Covid and lung infection," AICC general secretary Jairam Ramesh tweeted. from Times of India
Congress chief Sonia Gandhi Wednesday wrote to the Enforcement Directorate urging that her appearance for questioning in National Herald case be put off for a few weeks till she recovers from her recent Covid infection. "She has been strictly advised rest at home following her hospitalisation on account of Covid and lung infection," AICC general secretary Jairam Ramesh tweeted. from Times of India
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