Law minister Kiren Rijiju in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday said that the government subscribes to the BJP's demand for the promulgation of Uniform Civil Code. "Let me tell you uniform civil code is our party ideology and it should be considered as the ideology of the country,” Rijiju said.
Law minister Kiren Rijiju in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday said that the government subscribes to the BJP's demand for the promulgation of Uniform Civil Code. "Let me tell you uniform civil code is our party ideology and it should be considered as the ideology of the country,” Rijiju said. from Times of India
Law minister Kiren Rijiju in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday said that the government subscribes to the BJP's demand for the promulgation of Uniform Civil Code. "Let me tell you uniform civil code is our party ideology and it should be considered as the ideology of the country,” Rijiju said. from Times of India
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