Sacked Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee's aide Arpita Mukherjee told the Enforcement Directorate on Thursday she had no idea of the quantum of money and valuables stashed away in two of her Kolkata apartments, including Wednesday's Rs 27.9-crore haul that needed 13 hours to count, as Chatterjee would never allow her to enter the "locked rooms".
Sacked Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee's aide Arpita Mukherjee told the Enforcement Directorate on Thursday she had no idea of the quantum of money and valuables stashed away in two of her Kolkata apartments, including Wednesday's Rs 27.9-crore haul that needed 13 hours to count, as Chatterjee would never allow her to enter the "locked rooms". from Times of India
Sacked Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee's aide Arpita Mukherjee told the Enforcement Directorate on Thursday she had no idea of the quantum of money and valuables stashed away in two of her Kolkata apartments, including Wednesday's Rs 27.9-crore haul that needed 13 hours to count, as Chatterjee would never allow her to enter the "locked rooms". from Times of India
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