The ruling JMM in Jharkhand on Monday laid out the red carpet for NDA’s presidential candidate Droupadi Murmu, a move that marks an embarrassment for the opposition’s joint candidate Yashwant Sinha. Sinha’s name was proposed by Mamata. Odisha CM Naveen Patnak was first from among the non-NDA block to pledge support to Murmu, who hails from the state.
The ruling JMM in Jharkhand on Monday laid out the red carpet for NDA’s presidential candidate Droupadi Murmu, a move that marks an embarrassment for the opposition’s joint candidate Yashwant Sinha. Sinha’s name was proposed by Mamata. Odisha CM Naveen Patnak was first from among the non-NDA block to pledge support to Murmu, who hails from the state. from Times of India
The ruling JMM in Jharkhand on Monday laid out the red carpet for NDA’s presidential candidate Droupadi Murmu, a move that marks an embarrassment for the opposition’s joint candidate Yashwant Sinha. Sinha’s name was proposed by Mamata. Odisha CM Naveen Patnak was first from among the non-NDA block to pledge support to Murmu, who hails from the state. from Times of India
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