Delhi reported its first case of monkeypox, and India’s fourth, on Sunday with a 34-year-old man testing positive for the disease that is spreading across the world for the first time. The man is a resident of Paschim Vihar in west Delhi and has no history of travel to countries affected by the disease, unlike the other three cases reported from Kerala, officials said.
Delhi reported its first case of monkeypox, and India’s fourth, on Sunday with a 34-year-old man testing positive for the disease that is spreading across the world for the first time. The man is a resident of Paschim Vihar in west Delhi and has no history of travel to countries affected by the disease, unlike the other three cases reported from Kerala, officials said. from Times of India
Delhi reported its first case of monkeypox, and India’s fourth, on Sunday with a 34-year-old man testing positive for the disease that is spreading across the world for the first time. The man is a resident of Paschim Vihar in west Delhi and has no history of travel to countries affected by the disease, unlike the other three cases reported from Kerala, officials said. from Times of India
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