Smriti Irani on Sunday sent a legal notice to Congress leaders Jairam Ramesh, Pawan Khera and Netta D’Souza, seeking an ‘unconditional and unequivocal apology’ from them for their “baseless and false” allegations against her and her daughter. She served the notice a day after the Congress leaders alleged that her 18-year-old daughter Zoish Irani ran a bar illegally in Goa and also targeted the minister over this, demanding that PM Narendra Modi sack her from his cabinet.
Smriti Irani on Sunday sent a legal notice to Congress leaders Jairam Ramesh, Pawan Khera and Netta D’Souza, seeking an ‘unconditional and unequivocal apology’ from them for their “baseless and false” allegations against her and her daughter. She served the notice a day after the Congress leaders alleged that her 18-year-old daughter Zoish Irani ran a bar illegally in Goa and also targeted the minister over this, demanding that PM Narendra Modi sack her from his cabinet. from Times of India
Smriti Irani on Sunday sent a legal notice to Congress leaders Jairam Ramesh, Pawan Khera and Netta D’Souza, seeking an ‘unconditional and unequivocal apology’ from them for their “baseless and false” allegations against her and her daughter. She served the notice a day after the Congress leaders alleged that her 18-year-old daughter Zoish Irani ran a bar illegally in Goa and also targeted the minister over this, demanding that PM Narendra Modi sack her from his cabinet. from Times of India
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