Fresh Covid cases in India registered a drop in the week ending Sunday. The fall, however, is likely to be just around 4% as compared to the previous week, with several states, including Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and the hill states of northwest India continuing to report a rise in numbers. Stay with TOI for all updates --
Fresh Covid cases in India registered a drop in the week ending Sunday. The fall, however, is likely to be just around 4% as compared to the previous week, with several states, including Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and the hill states of northwest India continuing to report a rise in numbers. Stay with TOI for all updates -- from Times of India
Fresh Covid cases in India registered a drop in the week ending Sunday. The fall, however, is likely to be just around 4% as compared to the previous week, with several states, including Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and the hill states of northwest India continuing to report a rise in numbers. Stay with TOI for all updates -- from Times of India
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