Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and RCP Singh on Wednesday resigned from the Union Cabinet, a day before completion of their Rajya Sabha terms, setting off a fresh round of speculation about likely expansion of the Modi ministry. Naqvi was in charge of the minority affairs ministry while Singh was the steel minister.
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and RCP Singh on Wednesday resigned from the Union Cabinet, a day before completion of their Rajya Sabha terms, setting off a fresh round of speculation about likely expansion of the Modi ministry. Naqvi was in charge of the minority affairs ministry while Singh was the steel minister. from Times of India
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and RCP Singh on Wednesday resigned from the Union Cabinet, a day before completion of their Rajya Sabha terms, setting off a fresh round of speculation about likely expansion of the Modi ministry. Naqvi was in charge of the minority affairs ministry while Singh was the steel minister. from Times of India
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