Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee Monday broke her silence on cabinet colleague Partha Chatterjee's arrest, saying neither Trinamool nor her government had anything to do with the corruption charges levelled against him or the cash stash of Rs 21.9 crore seized from his "close associate" Arpita Mukherjee. She demanded a speedy, time-bound probe to unmask the guilty and put them "behind bars for life".
Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee Monday broke her silence on cabinet colleague Partha Chatterjee's arrest, saying neither Trinamool nor her government had anything to do with the corruption charges levelled against him or the cash stash of Rs 21.9 crore seized from his "close associate" Arpita Mukherjee. She demanded a speedy, time-bound probe to unmask the guilty and put them "behind bars for life". from Times of India
Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee Monday broke her silence on cabinet colleague Partha Chatterjee's arrest, saying neither Trinamool nor her government had anything to do with the corruption charges levelled against him or the cash stash of Rs 21.9 crore seized from his "close associate" Arpita Mukherjee. She demanded a speedy, time-bound probe to unmask the guilty and put them "behind bars for life". from Times of India
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