BJP on Wednesday said the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal has crossed all limits of brutality, repression and police torture to deny its party workers of their political right to raise their voice in a democratic and peaceful manner. Senior BJP member Ravi Shankar Prasad said, “Mamata ji, all your reactions in West Bengal are contrary to your personal evolution and suffering. This is not your normal behaviour."
BJP on Wednesday said the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal has crossed all limits of brutality, repression and police torture to deny its party workers of their political right to raise their voice in a democratic and peaceful manner. Senior BJP member Ravi Shankar Prasad said, “Mamata ji, all your reactions in West Bengal are contrary to your personal evolution and suffering. This is not your normal behaviour." from Times of India
BJP on Wednesday said the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal has crossed all limits of brutality, repression and police torture to deny its party workers of their political right to raise their voice in a democratic and peaceful manner. Senior BJP member Ravi Shankar Prasad said, “Mamata ji, all your reactions in West Bengal are contrary to your personal evolution and suffering. This is not your normal behaviour." from Times of India
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