Sohagpur, a small village tucked away in Katra block of Bihar's Muzaffarpur's district, was in a celebratory mood on Tuesday. The cheering and dancing was to celebrate the achievement of Rakesh Kumar, 25, who has become the first in the village to land a government job since Independence, reports Manoj Chaurasia.
Sohagpur, a small village tucked away in Katra block of Bihar's Muzaffarpur's district, was in a celebratory mood on Tuesday. The cheering and dancing was to celebrate the achievement of Rakesh Kumar, 25, who has become the first in the village to land a government job since Independence, reports Manoj Chaurasia. from Times of India
Sohagpur, a small village tucked away in Katra block of Bihar's Muzaffarpur's district, was in a celebratory mood on Tuesday. The cheering and dancing was to celebrate the achievement of Rakesh Kumar, 25, who has become the first in the village to land a government job since Independence, reports Manoj Chaurasia. from Times of India
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