While CM Ekanth Shinde on Sunday expressed belief that his group will get ‘Shiv Sena’ name and the bow-and-arrow symbol, insiders at the meeting of rebel MPs and MLAs said they have shortlisted tutari (trumpet), gada (blunt mace) and talwar (sword) as poll symbols.
While CM Ekanth Shinde on Sunday expressed belief that his group will get ‘Shiv Sena’ name and the bow-and-arrow symbol, insiders at the meeting of rebel MPs and MLAs said they have shortlisted tutari (trumpet), gada (blunt mace) and talwar (sword) as poll symbols. from Times of India https://ift.tt/34dbNst
While CM Ekanth Shinde on Sunday expressed belief that his group will get ‘Shiv Sena’ name and the bow-and-arrow symbol, insiders at the meeting of rebel MPs and MLAs said they have shortlisted tutari (trumpet), gada (blunt mace) and talwar (sword) as poll symbols. from Times of India https://ift.tt/34dbNst
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