Delhi's Saket District Court on Friday directed the city police to complete the narco analytic test of Aaftab Amin Poonawala, accused of killing his live-in partner Shradhha Walkar, within five days, while giving clear-cut instructions to cops not to use any third-degree measure on the accused.
Delhi's Saket District Court on Friday directed the city police to complete the narco analytic test of Aaftab Amin Poonawala, accused of killing his live-in partner Shradhha Walkar, within five days, while giving clear-cut instructions to cops not to use any third-degree measure on the accused. from Times of India
Delhi's Saket District Court on Friday directed the city police to complete the narco analytic test of Aaftab Amin Poonawala, accused of killing his live-in partner Shradhha Walkar, within five days, while giving clear-cut instructions to cops not to use any third-degree measure on the accused. from Times of India
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