Digantara, the Bengaluru-headquartered space situational awareness firm has successfully launched "Pushan-alpha" aboard the SpaceX Transporter 6 mission. "The mission will serve as a Space weather testbed for enhancing precision-driven applications and augment the data from ROBI, our previously launched space-based space weather monitor," the firm said.
Digantara, the Bengaluru-headquartered space situational awareness firm has successfully launched "Pushan-alpha" aboard the SpaceX Transporter 6 mission. "The mission will serve as a Space weather testbed for enhancing precision-driven applications and augment the data from ROBI, our previously launched space-based space weather monitor," the firm said. from Times of India https://ift.tt/5vZleNI
Digantara, the Bengaluru-headquartered space situational awareness firm has successfully launched "Pushan-alpha" aboard the SpaceX Transporter 6 mission. "The mission will serve as a Space weather testbed for enhancing precision-driven applications and augment the data from ROBI, our previously launched space-based space weather monitor," the firm said. from Times of India https://ift.tt/5vZleNI
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