The incident occurred on November 26 on board Air India flight AI-102, which departed New York-JFK airport around 1pm, local time. “Shortly after lunch was served and the lights were switched off, ...another passenger walked to my seat, completely inebriated. He unzipped his pants, relieved himself and continued to expose me to his private parts,” said the letter.
The incident occurred on November 26 on board Air India flight AI-102, which departed New York-JFK airport around 1pm, local time. “Shortly after lunch was served and the lights were switched off, ...another passenger walked to my seat, completely inebriated. He unzipped his pants, relieved himself and continued to expose me to his private parts,” said the letter. from Times of India
The incident occurred on November 26 on board Air India flight AI-102, which departed New York-JFK airport around 1pm, local time. “Shortly after lunch was served and the lights were switched off, ...another passenger walked to my seat, completely inebriated. He unzipped his pants, relieved himself and continued to expose me to his private parts,” said the letter. from Times of India
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