Congress MP Rahul Gandhi Friday claimed that a security lapse forced him to abandon the 11km leg of his Bharat Jodo Yatra. He had crossed the Jawahar Tunnel from Jammu’s Banihal in a bulletproof vehicle and walked less than a kilometre towards the gateway to Kashmir division when the alleged security lapse brought his march to a halt. J&K Police contested allegations of poor crowd management.
Congress MP Rahul Gandhi Friday claimed that a security lapse forced him to abandon the 11km leg of his Bharat Jodo Yatra. He had crossed the Jawahar Tunnel from Jammu’s Banihal in a bulletproof vehicle and walked less than a kilometre towards the gateway to Kashmir division when the alleged security lapse brought his march to a halt. J&K Police contested allegations of poor crowd management. from Times of India
Congress MP Rahul Gandhi Friday claimed that a security lapse forced him to abandon the 11km leg of his Bharat Jodo Yatra. He had crossed the Jawahar Tunnel from Jammu’s Banihal in a bulletproof vehicle and walked less than a kilometre towards the gateway to Kashmir division when the alleged security lapse brought his march to a halt. J&K Police contested allegations of poor crowd management. from Times of India
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