Infuriated, the girl’s relatives and around 200 neighbours marched to Gulhane’s house. Seeing the mob outside, the BJP leader fled through the rear door, Betul additional SP Neeraj Soni told TOI. While the child’s parents went to file a police complaint, teams from several police stations sped to Gulhane’s house to tackle the mob. The protesters torched his car.
Infuriated, the girl’s relatives and around 200 neighbours marched to Gulhane’s house. Seeing the mob outside, the BJP leader fled through the rear door, Betul additional SP Neeraj Soni told TOI. While the child’s parents went to file a police complaint, teams from several police stations sped to Gulhane’s house to tackle the mob. The protesters torched his car. from Times of India
Infuriated, the girl’s relatives and around 200 neighbours marched to Gulhane’s house. Seeing the mob outside, the BJP leader fled through the rear door, Betul additional SP Neeraj Soni told TOI. While the child’s parents went to file a police complaint, teams from several police stations sped to Gulhane’s house to tackle the mob. The protesters torched his car. from Times of India
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