n an urgent and high-powered meeting called by chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday, the Uttarakhand government — shaken by reports of a "sinking" Joshimath and images of huge cracks on the town's buildings, roads and fields — has signalled "maximum alert" and put a slew of emergency measures in place, most of them to be implemented immediately.
n an urgent and high-powered meeting called by chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday, the Uttarakhand government — shaken by reports of a "sinking" Joshimath and images of huge cracks on the town's buildings, roads and fields — has signalled "maximum alert" and put a slew of emergency measures in place, most of them to be implemented immediately. from Times of India https://ift.tt/X0WOZmp
n an urgent and high-powered meeting called by chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday, the Uttarakhand government — shaken by reports of a "sinking" Joshimath and images of huge cracks on the town's buildings, roads and fields — has signalled "maximum alert" and put a slew of emergency measures in place, most of them to be implemented immediately. from Times of India https://ift.tt/X0WOZmp
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