The two alleged terrorists arrested by Delhi Police's special cell on Thursday had murdered a man, chopped his body into pieces and filmed the act, including the beheading, the police have claimed. They also sent the video to their foreign-based handlers, including an ISI operative, to prove their worth, claimed sources.
The two alleged terrorists arrested by Delhi Police's special cell on Thursday had murdered a man, chopped his body into pieces and filmed the act, including the beheading, the police have claimed. They also sent the video to their foreign-based handlers, including an ISI operative, to prove their worth, claimed sources. from Times of India
The two alleged terrorists arrested by Delhi Police's special cell on Thursday had murdered a man, chopped his body into pieces and filmed the act, including the beheading, the police have claimed. They also sent the video to their foreign-based handlers, including an ISI operative, to prove their worth, claimed sources. from Times of India
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