Misuse of money power is one of the key challenges in Karnataka, CEC Rajiv Kumar said while announcing the poll schedule. In all, cash, liquor, goods and drugs worth Rs 57.7 crore have been seized in the past month in Karnataka. This time, 4,880 enforcement teams will be at work, against 4,147 in 2018.
Misuse of money power is one of the key challenges in Karnataka, CEC Rajiv Kumar said while announcing the poll schedule. In all, cash, liquor, goods and drugs worth Rs 57.7 crore have been seized in the past month in Karnataka. This time, 4,880 enforcement teams will be at work, against 4,147 in 2018. from Times of India https://ift.tt/eSOVnpF
Misuse of money power is one of the key challenges in Karnataka, CEC Rajiv Kumar said while announcing the poll schedule. In all, cash, liquor, goods and drugs worth Rs 57.7 crore have been seized in the past month in Karnataka. This time, 4,880 enforcement teams will be at work, against 4,147 in 2018. from Times of India https://ift.tt/eSOVnpF
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