Rajasthan's Nandini Gupta has been crowned Femina Miss India World 2023. Along with her, Delhi's Shreya Poonja became the first runner-up, while Manipur's Thounaojam Strela Luwang was crowned the 2nd runner-up.
Rajasthan's Nandini Gupta has been crowned Femina Miss India World 2023. Along with her, Delhi's Shreya Poonja became the first runner-up, while Manipur's Thounaojam Strela Luwang was crowned the 2nd runner-up. from Times of India https://ift.tt/t1beO25
Rajasthan's Nandini Gupta has been crowned Femina Miss India World 2023. Along with her, Delhi's Shreya Poonja became the first runner-up, while Manipur's Thounaojam Strela Luwang was crowned the 2nd runner-up. from Times of India https://ift.tt/t1beO25
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