The prime accused and three other suspects from the Manipur mob that paraded two women naked and allegedly gang-raped one of them on May 4 were arrested on Thursday, 63 days after a zero FIR was registered and within 10 hours of a video emerging of the horrific assault that one of the survivors — a Kargil War veteran’s wife — recounted to TOI as akin to being attacked by “wild animals”.
The prime accused and three other suspects from the Manipur mob that paraded two women naked and allegedly gang-raped one of them on May 4 were arrested on Thursday, 63 days after a zero FIR was registered and within 10 hours of a video emerging of the horrific assault that one of the survivors — a Kargil War veteran’s wife — recounted to TOI as akin to being attacked by “wild animals”. from Times of India
The prime accused and three other suspects from the Manipur mob that paraded two women naked and allegedly gang-raped one of them on May 4 were arrested on Thursday, 63 days after a zero FIR was registered and within 10 hours of a video emerging of the horrific assault that one of the survivors — a Kargil War veteran’s wife — recounted to TOI as akin to being attacked by “wild animals”. from Times of India
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