Dev Raturi, 46, from Kemriya Saur village in Uttarakhand’s Tehri Garhwal district, a diehard Bruce Lee fan who wanted to follow the footsteps of his hero, once auditioned for a role in a Hindi movie in Mumbai in front of Puneet Issar (Duryodhan in ‘Mahabharat’) in 1998 but failed. Eighteen years after he reached China to work as a waiter in a restaurant, English textbooks for class 7 students in schools of Xi’an city in Shanxi Province have a section on him.
Dev Raturi, 46, from Kemriya Saur village in Uttarakhand’s Tehri Garhwal district, a diehard Bruce Lee fan who wanted to follow the footsteps of his hero, once auditioned for a role in a Hindi movie in Mumbai in front of Puneet Issar (Duryodhan in ‘Mahabharat’) in 1998 but failed. Eighteen years after he reached China to work as a waiter in a restaurant, English textbooks for class 7 students in schools of Xi’an city in Shanxi Province have a section on him. from Times of India
Dev Raturi, 46, from Kemriya Saur village in Uttarakhand’s Tehri Garhwal district, a diehard Bruce Lee fan who wanted to follow the footsteps of his hero, once auditioned for a role in a Hindi movie in Mumbai in front of Puneet Issar (Duryodhan in ‘Mahabharat’) in 1998 but failed. Eighteen years after he reached China to work as a waiter in a restaurant, English textbooks for class 7 students in schools of Xi’an city in Shanxi Province have a section on him. from Times of India
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