Narendra Modi followed through on his August 15 speech and launched the ‘PM Vishwakarma Scheme’, a central plan with an outlay of Rs 13,000 crore, on Sunday. He said it was high time that ‘Vishwakarmas’ (community of artisans and craftspeople) were recognised and supported, and his government had come forward as a partner to elevate their respect, enhance their capabilities and make them prosperous.
Narendra Modi followed through on his August 15 speech and launched the ‘PM Vishwakarma Scheme’, a central plan with an outlay of Rs 13,000 crore, on Sunday. He said it was high time that ‘Vishwakarmas’ (community of artisans and craftspeople) were recognised and supported, and his government had come forward as a partner to elevate their respect, enhance their capabilities and make them prosperous. from Times of India
Narendra Modi followed through on his August 15 speech and launched the ‘PM Vishwakarma Scheme’, a central plan with an outlay of Rs 13,000 crore, on Sunday. He said it was high time that ‘Vishwakarmas’ (community of artisans and craftspeople) were recognised and supported, and his government had come forward as a partner to elevate their respect, enhance their capabilities and make them prosperous. from Times of India
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