Jammu and Kashmir SIA filed chargesheet against Zaheed Khoja and Zameer Lone for narco-terror financing under the NDPS Act, UAPA. Lone, a LeT terrorist in Pakistan/PoK, conspired to spread communal disharmony. Both plotted criminal conspiracy to raise funds by unlawful practices to financially support the terror, including setting ablaze govt buildings and residential houses of minority communities.
Jammu and Kashmir SIA filed chargesheet against Zaheed Khoja and Zameer Lone for narco-terror financing under the NDPS Act, UAPA. Lone, a LeT terrorist in Pakistan/PoK, conspired to spread communal disharmony. Both plotted criminal conspiracy to raise funds by unlawful practices to financially support the terror, including setting ablaze govt buildings and residential houses of minority communities. from Times of India https://ift.tt/CZLMKjU
Jammu and Kashmir SIA filed chargesheet against Zaheed Khoja and Zameer Lone for narco-terror financing under the NDPS Act, UAPA. Lone, a LeT terrorist in Pakistan/PoK, conspired to spread communal disharmony. Both plotted criminal conspiracy to raise funds by unlawful practices to financially support the terror, including setting ablaze govt buildings and residential houses of minority communities. from Times of India https://ift.tt/CZLMKjU
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