Tensions erupted in Nagamangala, Karnataka during a Ganesh procession when miscreants threw stones at devotees, sparking a clash. Police used mild force and tear gas to disperse the crowd. Ban orders were issued under CrPC 144, and additional police forces were deployed to regain control. Devotees demand the arrest of those responsible.
Tensions erupted in Nagamangala, Karnataka during a Ganesh procession when miscreants threw stones at devotees, sparking a clash. Police used mild force and tear gas to disperse the crowd. Ban orders were issued under CrPC 144, and additional police forces were deployed to regain control. Devotees demand the arrest of those responsible. from Times of India https://ift.tt/VI5WThj
Tensions erupted in Nagamangala, Karnataka during a Ganesh procession when miscreants threw stones at devotees, sparking a clash. Police used mild force and tear gas to disperse the crowd. Ban orders were issued under CrPC 144, and additional police forces were deployed to regain control. Devotees demand the arrest of those responsible. from Times of India https://ift.tt/VI5WThj
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