In Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, a tragic car accident claimed the lives of three individuals, including a woman and her 18-month-old son, after the driver lost control near Chamelu Morh. The injured were swiftly rescued and transported to various hospitals for critical treatment.
In Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, a tragic car accident claimed the lives of three individuals, including a woman and her 18-month-old son, after the driver lost control near Chamelu Morh. The injured were swiftly rescued and transported to various hospitals for critical treatment. from Times of India
In Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, a tragic car accident claimed the lives of three individuals, including a woman and her 18-month-old son, after the driver lost control near Chamelu Morh. The injured were swiftly rescued and transported to various hospitals for critical treatment. from Times of India
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